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Your Daikin World (YDW)

See and experience the invisible in the “Your Daikin World” app.


The Digital Workplace bundle in a XR escape room app. Powered by: Escape AR


WebApp to search & filter plants
Major Moon

Major Moon

Digital Escape Room Game for AK-Oberösterreich. Powered by: Escape AR
AK Salzburg

AK Salzburg

Digital Escape Room Game for AK-Salzburg. Powered by: Escape AR
CoBot Studio

CoBot Studio

Crossing Realities for Mutual Understanding in Human-Robot Teams.


Virtual reality escape room game in a biotech lab


Augmented reality escape room game, playable from the browser - Powered by: Escape AR
Space Dog

Space Dog

Location-based escape room game for Salzburg Old Town - Powered by: Escape AR
Escape AR

Escape AR

How we create augmented reality escape room games


Digital escape room game for Salzburg AG - Powered by: Escape AR
Virtual Skills Lab

Virtual Skills Lab

Virtual reality scenarios for soft skills training


Gamified, mixed-reality cart racing experience for the Rotax Max Dome
STEAM Disrupt Lab

STEAM Disrupt Lab

New experimental master program for creative collaboration, technology and innovation
U6 Rätselrallye

U6 Rätselrallye

Digital escape room game for Wiener Linien - Powered by: Escape AR


Digital escape room game about fake-news - Powered by: Escape AR


Digital services and incentive design for smart sustainable communities
Ja! BioHof

Ja! BioHof

Playful experience on eating healthily and organic farming, beloved by children and their families.  


Playful extended reality biking simulation for Radfrühling and various other green events promoting biking.
Escape Book

Escape Book

New playful way to experience books and leaflets in a themed Escape Room scenario


Interactive location-based Teambuilding App (Games, Riddles and Fun with GPS, iBeacons in nature)
Plant Oracle

Plant Oracle

Interactive plant marketing installation in the city of Vienna. Passerbys could touch the plant to make music.
Orchestra of Nature

Orchestra of Nature

Composing music with an orchestra of plants by touching them
VR Architectural Visualization

VR Architectural Visualization

Interactive Virtual Reality architectural visualization for HTC VIVE and Occulus Rift for PORR Bau Congress
BuntRaum – Interactive Advertisement Column

BuntRaum – Interactive Advertisement Column

Interactive LED powered Advertisment Pillar for the City of Salzburg
Interactive Façade

Interactive Façade

Public visual installation where visitors have the opportunity to trigger visual signals through body movements
Swimming Pool

Swimming Pool

Experience a virtual dive into the Mediterranean in VR with a twist to raise awareness.
Morbus Genesis

Morbus Genesis

Forms and objects get infected by diseases and an evolution of decay and death starts.


ocation-based and augmented reality Content Management-, Administration-, Analysis- and Interaction Framework
Bucharest 2021 – Consulting

Bucharest 2021 – Consulting

Interactive design, gamified location-based storytelling and ecological smart city project


The first mobile game app which makes saving CO2 fun for real life change
City Caching Salzburg

City Caching Salzburg

Interactive location-based game app. The players have to solve riddles, play small games and find different places in the city.


A collaborative full body game as permanent team experience installation at WIFI Salzburg
Reef Interactive

Reef Interactive

Mobile app for divers to plan their diving experience ahead, so they are well prepared, can discover more, have better orientation and be safe.
Kapuzinerturm – Interactive History Museum

Kapuzinerturm – Interactive History Museum

Interactive projection mapping history experience and game


Interactive audiovisual instrument, which is played by the visitor’s movement.
In Motion

In Motion

An improvisational dance performance using an interactive thermal tracking system. It was a collaboration with the 8th semester students from the Carl Orff Institute Salzburg.


An audio visual installation for the Salzburger Hochschulkonferenz in front of the Mozarteum Salzburg (foundation event for the collaboration between Salzburgs universities).
Moves Reloaded

Moves Reloaded

Interactive Dance Installation in which every user shares 3sec of dance moves from which an endless blended choreography is algorithmically arranged and replayed as ongoing music video.
Interactive Floor Visuals

Interactive Floor Visuals

Interactive Floor Visuals with Thermal Camera Tracking System


playful interactive ecosystem which was projected onto the floor for the visitors to interact and play with
Laban’s Nightmare

Laban’s Nightmare

Live generated Media Dance Performance, which was developed during PARKINPROGRESS August 2012 in Pannonhalma – HU
Interactive Shopping Table System

Interactive Shopping Table System

Microsoft Surface Table with CMS for an interactive shopping experience
Versus – 3D Dance Performance

Versus – 3D Dance Performance

This is a first teaser of our performance Versus which was premiered in Salzburg at ARGEkultur.


Largescale and fun gaming experience. Like in the movie Tron the players’ bodies are transported into a computer game.
CPU – 3D Theater

CPU – 3D Theater

A stereoscopic Realtime Performance based on Kafka´s "The Trial"


Interactive musical instrument that can be used in various ways. It is made up of modules, which consist of pipes.
Ameriques – Bruckner Orchestra

Ameriques – Bruckner Orchestra

A live visualisation of Edgar Varése´s 24min piece "Amèriques", performed live with Bruckner Orchester Linz
Klangdimensionen – 3D Piano Concert

Klangdimensionen – 3D Piano Concert

Realtime 3D  Stereoscopic live piano concert visualisation